A review by tombomp
Your Movie Sucks by Roger Ebert


A very moreish book - cause it's a collection of shortish reviews and they all make pretty easy reading, you just keep reading the next one. Only enjoyable if you like reading short reviews/summaries of bad films - it's exactly what it says on the tin - but great if you like that. The summaries are usually far more enjoyable than the film itself and although Ebert isn't a proper comedian, he's witty enough that I've laughed out loud quite a bit and smiled even more. Sometimes his moral and political judgements are very, very off (for example, his portrayal of a few films where women are constantly violent to men as men-hating... alas! he has no idea) and there are some reviews which aren't up to much - whether cause the film is so average or cause of Ebert's poor writing or hang-ups. It's definitely enjoyable if you like reading about bad movies but the quality is pretty variable. The great reviews are a lot of fun though.