A review by sarahrheawerner
The Gathering by Kelley Armstrong


I'm a huge fangirl of Kelley Armstrong, who writes PNR (paranormal romance) for adults. So when I saw she'd published a YA series, I was curious to see how it would differ.

The Gathering by Kelley Armstrong is the tale of 16-year-old Maya -- or at least it's the beginning of her tale.

Because as much as I adored Maya's character (for once a whip-smart, funny, and likable heroine so much unlike Bella Swan), I had a hard time grappling with the fact that I was essentially reading 25% or 33% of a story.

I love YA series, and I love cliffhangers. But I have really little patience with partially-told stories.

A full book's worth of story should establish expectations that it then follows up on. If it ends on a cliffhanger, that's fine, as long as the reader feels satisfied (if tense, and excited for the next installment) by the final page.

But with The Gathering, none of my expectations were met or fulfilled, and the abrupt, anticlimactic ending wasn't a cliffhanger so much as a "meh." It wasn't enough to lure me in to buying the next book (of which there are currently three).