A review by powder_and_page
Skyborn by David Dalglish


I picked this up on a whim at the bookstore recently mostly because I liked the cover. I know, that seems very shallow of me, but the cover is really awesome! I’ve also got a fondness for winged people/creatures and though this wasn’t quite what I was expecting it still satisfied me. Humans now live on floating islands that lie high above an endless ocean and are bathed in the light of sky fires at night. It sounds beautiful, though harsh and the humans have adapted to this new world by using mechanical wings powered by crystals. Note that only the warriors and fishermen use these wings- the crystals are a pricey commodity controlled by the Center island.

I like the story and characters well enough, though the story itself lacked something to really draw me in. I can’t say what exactly because it contained everything that I usually love in stories- a unique society, magic-type powers, a love interest, and intrigue. I just wasn’t CRAZY about it. I will say that if it sound like it’s your kind of story, then go for it! It was quite good, but didn’t leave a lasting emotional impact on me. I may eventually read the second novel, Fireborn, just to see what happens.