A review by miss617
Bad Witch Burning by Jessica Lewis


I was really excited to read this book, but ultimately I was a little let down when I finished. I got to a point about 40% through where I didn't think I'd be able to continue because Trell just frustrated me so. Darn. Much. I felt bad for her and what she was going through and I had to remind myself that she was a teenager, but she kept making stupid decision after stupid decision and refused to listen to people around her until it was too late.

The book starts kind of in medias res as far as Trell's power, but I would have liked an explanation as to where it came from and why it changed when it did. Was she the only one who had that power and, if so, why her? She was so driven by money that she didn't even take the time to understand the new power and its consequences.

Overall, the fantasy element was a bit lacking to me, but it does touch on some really heavy themes such as abuse, neglect, and poverty.