A review by emilyrose_isreading
Lost in the Labyrinth by Evangeline Priest


I had higher hopes for this anthology. I took a while to get to this because its so long but I finally got to it because I had spare time and no internet. Some of the stories were great and I enjoyed them whereas others were boring or made me uncomfortable. Multiple had dubious/uninformed and even non-consent without content warnings or full acknowledgement of the consent issues - in some contexts I don't mind consent issues as long as its made clear that its wrong and the author knows its wrong but that was not the case here. For example, in one book the MMCs film them having sex with the FMC and post it online and there is mention that because she's human she has an issue with that because of different values(? not certain what word was used, maybe culture?) but no one ever agreed that it was wrong because the consent was not informed or because they didn't ask to share it (even if we were less conservative about sex, its still rude in our current culture to post photos/video of someone clothed without their consent so the culture/values do not matter!!). This is just one story which has stuck in my mind, but the last story was also uncomfortable with forced brides basically having sex because they were stuck with nothing else around them in the dark and a second POV looking back at that as history and finding it arousing??? Another one was just full on forced. These stories with consent issues are all 1⭐ (and remember, I don't mind dark romance as long as it is acknowledged that the content has moral issues but there is nothing sexy about unacknowledged non-con) but this has ⭐⭐⭐ because I did really enjoy some others.
This isn't even available anymore so I'm not sure how useful this review even is but I did need to rant about the consent issues