A review by ashleysloth
At Her Feet by Rebekah Weatherspoon


I loved the way this book started out but then it went downhill. As I got annoyed with the plot I told myself books need conflict and that I would give the book at least 3 stars, but I just can't.

My low rating has nothing to do with the authors writing skills, Weatherspoon is a great writer, and not just for the romance genre. My rating is about my dislike of some of the plot points.

My loathing started when Pilar took Suzy to a party she knew her boss would be at and then Pillar accused Suzy of not trusting her enough for being upset? I understand the rules that Pilar just couldn't say that Suzy's boss would be there but just dropping her in there with not warning about the high odds of meeting someone she works with feels like a violation of trust to me.

But what really took away from my ability to give this book 3 stars was Suzy getting sexual assaulted, I don't read romance for that. Not only was she assaulted by her boss but Pilar decided to stop talking to her for it. Oh sure there is a wonderful make up at the end and Suzy accepts all the blame for what happened and the boss gets a "bad rep" in the local community. After all that happened the happy ending felt forced and pasted on.

I feel like an ass for giving this book a low rating after winning it in a give away, and from everything I've seen I like the author as a person, I just don't like the book.