A review by books_n_blossoms
Dusk's Darkest Shores by Carolyn Miller


If you are a Regency era fan, Dusk's Darkest Shores is one you don't want to miss! I'm always exited to begin a new series by authors I enjoy. I immediately liked Mary Bloomfield. She wears her heart on her sleeve and treats everyone so kindly. She has grown up helping her father, the local doctor, with the ailments of the people in their little village.

Then along comes returning war hero, Adam Edgerton, who is betrothed to Mary's sister dearest friend, Emily. Unfortunately, Adam isn't the same man as he was before he went to war. Something Emily can't quite accept.

Mary's father and Adam's mother convinces her to help Adam adjust to being home again. While Mary is willing to help, Adam is rather disagreeable. Mary has her work cut out for her. Let's just say, her kindness is certainly tested.

Now, I do want to mention Mary's sister, Joanna and her friend, Emily (Adam's betrothed). They are rude and nasty and I have to admit not liking either of them. They're selfish and treat Mary deplorably, which then fascinates me because they are constantly seeking her out for comfort and wisdom, neither of which do either of them ever seem to appreciate. Whew, glad I got that off my chest. HA!

That aside Adam is cantankerous and gives Mary a lot of grief. Can I just say in Mary's defense that she really needs friends. Or just one friend. This town she's grown up in and they all look at her askance when she's only ever been godly towards everyone. So when Adam treats her in the same way, I wanted to knock him upside the head.

One of the facets I appreciated about this story was that Mary showed grace and perseverance time and time again. Whether it was with the local minister (don't get me started on him), her obnoxious sister, or Adam's crabbiness, she was considerate and thoughtful. Her faith got her through most of the situations she found herself in throughout this story and it definitely impacted Adam. I appreciated that it clearly came from following her parents' example, although Joanna seemed to have missed that boat.

I'm not going to give anything away in regards to the people in the story. I wish a couple of the people were the main characters of book 2, but it doesn't look like they are. Poo! That's ok, I'm still looking forward to the next one. hahahaha

*I received this book for review. This is my personal opinion.