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A review by trisha_thomas
Everybody Sees the Ants by A.S. King


Another amazing [a:A.S. King|1651879|A.S. King|] story. One so quirky and unique and lovely and heartbreaking.

Around page 205, my heart literally broke. I had to put the book down.

It's so subtle. One moment, you are just getting to know Lucky and his squid mom and turtle dad. And crazy aunt and cool uncle Dave, jerk Nader and ninja Ginny.

Next you are living his crazy life and holding your breath for every dream that Lucky might have - one more glimpse of his grandpa and what he will bring home.

This story is so simple and yet so complex. There are such a mix of themes that it will take me a few days to fully realize the complete impact of this one. Between Ginny and her statements, his Grandpa's wise words and even Lucky's own experiences. It was just an amazing adventure to read.