A review by jackie_of_all_books
Rough Touch by Willow Winters


Kane de rocca and Ava
Kanes entire family was killed and as revenge he took out the entire Armenian family in one night. He is now trying to work with Abram Petrov to stay alive. He has opened his place up for abram and then abram announces they’ll be having company, the Valettis. So this is how kane will connect into their world. Vince shows up to discuss business with Abram. Abram says terms will stay the same but he’d like to use their docks for new product and then he has one of his men bring it out, it’s a chained up women with a barcode on her wrist. Kane had no idea they were into sex trafficking. This one is Ava who was the Russian princess. Vadik is Abrams second in command. He wants kane to help run this operation. Vince says they don’t do this kind of work and abram says it’s all or nothing. Kane doesn’t like this one bit. Vince set him up with a house to take her to. When they get there kane takes off her shackles and collar and allows her freedom. She is scared and doesn’t know what his motive in when he’s going to start beating or raping her. He allows her to sleep unhandcuffed but she grabs his gun and points it at him but realizes that’s not what she wants and gets back in bed with him. Kane was awake and he tells her he doesn’t want to do this but now he has to cuff her. He has to meet with Vince the next day at the docks and he takes her with him. Vince tells him women aren’t usually allowed at meetings and he tells him he’s not comfortable with her anywhere else. He’s honest with Vince that he doesn’t like this and won’t do this. One of abrams men show up,Felipe and start questioning kane on Ava. And then he says mean things to her and Kane shoots his knees. And then gives Ava the honors of killing him. He disobeyed Vince but Vince tells him they’ll clean it up and covers for him. Ava tells Kane he’s just the first of many she’s wanted to kill. Ava asks kane to have sex with her she begs him. She wants him to take them all away. We know that she had her innocence taken From her all the sex she’s ever had has been rape. Abram calls kane and tells him he wants to ship more women in and wants a meeting with Vince. Kane and Ava go to Vince’s and he proposed that he wants to kill as many of abrams men as he can and would need backing. Vince says he’ll back kane and he also has his word that it something happens to kane they will not give Ava up to abram. The day of the meeting Ava pulls her gun out and shoots abram and Vadik. She is worried she won’t be kanes good girl anymore. But he reassures her that she is. Vince says she’ll be in touch and kane takes his girl back to the house. He tells her he has enough money they could get by for a little while but he doesn’t have their next step planned and wants to know if she wants to be with him and she tells him that she does. And he wants her too. He goes and meets with Vince. He says tommy is being watched right now so they would like kane to cover Tommy’s route. This would be his foot in with the Valettis but they would like to keep an eye on Ava and make sure he’s a good man. He takes Ava to pick out houses and then when she picks one they go shopping for the items they need to fill it. It’s a long day but a good day for them to be moving out of the safe house. She has a nightmare that Vadik tells her once kane knows the truth he won’t want her or love her and she’s so scared that’s true. He takes her to a Valettis wedding and becca and Elle are so nice to her but she feels so fake. She grabs a knife from the table and hides it. She doesn’t deserve kane.he follows her and realizes what she’s about to do and stops her. He’s so confused on why she would do that. And she tells him if he loves her he’ll let her go that she’s not ready to be with anyone. She’s doing self destruction. UGH. Kane asks Vince to help him get Ava a place and a job so she can heal on her own. He also gets her hooked up with their families therapist. For the first week she would call out for kane and he would show up and hold her through the night. She got put on new meds and hasn’t had any break downs but she still misses kane. Kane goes to the bar with Vince and Tommy and Anthony. Vince says he still needs to pay his dues to be a made man but he’s damn sure a Valetti. Now he just needs to get Ava back. Ava wasn’t feeling good and went to the doctor and found out she’s pregnant!!! I had actually suspected this a little bit. She hadn’t been able to hold food down the day she shot her first person but we interpreted it as it was from shooting the man but we knew she wasn’t all that upset about it and she said she was starving. She seems highly emotional on a lot of things which could signal the pregnancy hormones. When she walks outside kane is there and says he just wanted to see her and he holds her and she tells him she’s pregnant and he’s so excited and wants to be there every step of the way and asks her to come back home with him and she agrees!!! While she is wedding dress shopping with becca and Elle, kane storms in to tell her he’s officially a valetti, he’s in in. They have their perfect little girl Rebecca Marie. Named after his mother and her sister. So cute. I am so happy they got there happy ever after and their perfect little girl. I was worried about Ava and her self destruction and how she didn’t feel worthy and her suicidal thoughts thank god she didn’t harm their baby. I hope we get more glimpses of them in the rest of this series. I was worried how they would interconnect but he ended up being a valetti by the end and she was accepted as one as well and became close with becca and Elle which I also love how much of them we get to see still.