A review by nmcannon
Wonder Woman: Love and Murder by Jodi Picoult


Like many other patrons of my local library, I saw the Wonder Woman movie and was like "I'd read the frick frack outta that as a comic" and browsed the library shelves. This is what I found and daaaaaaannnngggg this is pretty sweet.

Picoult's introduction hit the nail right on the head for what her story is about: it's about Diana struggling to be a mortal, when she's immortal, and trying to figure out if trying to fit in is a worthwhile endeavor. She always has her past and the Amazons to fall back on, but her undercover position presents an opportunity to be someone entirely new and human. The motif of love & murder being the two traits that unite Amazons and humans just tickles me pink.

While these are worthwhile and interesting themes, I feel like a few plot beats are missed, probably because this is Picoult's first time comic writing. Circe and Diana as characters are fantastic and dynamic, but Circe's plan makes little sense in its convolution. It seems like Circe just wants to stir the pot and have a bunch of fit ladies fight each other because...why not when you're 5,000 years old. Diana's attraction to Nemesis didn't super make sense either, unless there's a lore point I'm missing where Diana has an attraction to lawful neutral blondes. The resolution was also unclear, though the fighting ended. Because of these problems, I dropped the review star count.

However, if you want great characters, beautiful art, and kickass ladies being kickass, this book is just good enough to keep me coming back for more.