A review by badoit90
Anything You Want by Derek Sivers


3.5 Stars // Yet another modern classic of non-fiction literature - Anything you want is often amongst the most-recommended books of big productivity YouTubers like Ali Abdaal, or self-made entrepreneurs such as Tim Ferris. The author, Derek Sivers rose to fame in the early 2000s with a website called CD Baby, at which he offered a platform for independent musicians and bands to sell their CDs online.

Mind you, that was in the years before music streaming was a thing, or juggernauts such as iTunes took over the market - selling music online was still in its infancy and so CD Baby quickly rose to fame. In the span of 10 years, the website grew from 0 employees and almost no revenue to 85 employees and 4 million US Dollars in revenue PER MONTH up until Sivers sold the project in 2008. In Anything you want he lays out 40 of the learnings that he made along the way and explains his reasoning behind them.

Without knowing the guy personally, this book gets across Sivers character really well, I think - he seems approachable and fair, straight to the point and equipped with a ‘just do it’ mentality. He’s the guy who just goes for it and figures out the correct proceedings later on, someone who would rather ask for forgiveness than for permission - a trait that seemingly many entrepreneurs have in common.

His 40 life lessons are a clear reflection of that and his ‘nice guy mentality’ definitely helped him to build a succesful business. One which puts its customers first and tries not to sell its soul to big corporations. Being so ‘customer first’ and not greedy leads to some genuinely good take-aways in this book, especially for Freelancers who are just starting out.

At times though, his casual approach to business is a clear product of survivorship bias in my mind, as he delivers what feels like two types of lessons: The advice that is rationally proven to work and the advice that just happened to work for him, or which he got away with. Like at one point he describes having a solid legal groundwork such as ‘terms & conditions’ as ‘sales tactics’ that are just ‘designed to scare you’ and that you will totally get away without them. I agree that not every new Freelancer needs a whole legal team behind them, but it was this amongst a few other points where Sivers lost some of his credit for me.

Overall, this book is a 3.5 stars in my mind, as between all the really good advice and the little bad he still delivers an approachable, quick read that I could finish within 2 hours and therefore it doesn’t hurt if you pick it up. I think there are take-ways in here that are worth remembering, but the biggest one I got from it was this line:

If you’re not saying, “Hell yeah!” about something, say no. And I can fully say ‘Hell Yeah’ to that.