A review by naturalistnatalie
The Hunter by John Lescroart


A perfectly fine murder mystery. There was quite a bit of emotional distress displayed by Wyatt, which I found unusual in a male protagonist. Finding out about his birth parents required a major shift in his emotional equilibrium. I will say I was less interested in the "how do you feel?" parts and the developing relationship between Wyatt and Tamara than the tracking down of who-done-it. By the end, Wyatt knows who the culprit is but he has no evidence to present to the police. Then the bad guy goes and sets up a stand-off with the police. That's plenty of proof. There was no figuring out who the bad guy was before the reveal, though, because he wasn't even a character in the book until he showed up under suspicion. I much prefer to have a chance to figure out the mystery instead of having it all laid out at the end. But then again, I'm not a big fan of mysteries to begin with.