A review by wordrevel
Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All by Michael Shellenberger


Initial thoughts: Expected a fair bit more scientific rigour to the subject. Then again, given the absolute in the subtitle, "us all," I suppose I should've known better. Plus, the author is an environmentalist, not an environmental scientist. This book takes on extreme activism, and attempts to deconstruct it in order to show the negative impact it has on society. The fact that extreme activism disrupts people's lives isn't a surprise, yet the author lays out his arguments as though it's a novel discovery. He also takes a lot at lobbying from big corporations, which again is hardly a surprise.

What Apocalypse Never offers is a consolidated overview of both extremes towards the environment: those who cry doomsday happened yesterday and those who cover up negative environmental impacts human have on the earth. This juxtaposition offers a good view into the growing political polarisation we face today and its consequences. However, what was lacking for me was how to reconcile these views and work towards balancing how we live our lives against preserving our planet.