A review by seadaz
Riding Lessons by Sara Gruen


A quick read.

I enjoyed it, as it took me back to my teenage days when I was into horses and I loved jumping and cross country - I never did enjoy dressage, just not my cup of tea (although these days I like to watch dressage -very beautiful).

The book, the main character was very selfish, I felt for her mum and dad - she nearly sent them to ruin. Sad the way she ignored her dad, even though she knew the end was fast coming. He mum seemed like a very strong formidable lady.

The old boyfriend (Dan the vet) seemed a nice catch, the French trainer seemed an exciting prospect.

The next book will be about her daughter and Flicka hey? I saw on a webpage that she was going to do a 3rd book in this series, but due to time I looks like this 3rd book never eventuated.

I will get the 2nd book to read as I did enjoy being transported back to a happy time in my youth.