A review by michalice
Second Grave on the Left by Darynda Jones


I absolutely love this series even though this is only the second book I have read so far. Charley Davidson is a P.I and the Grim Reaper. Her job as a P.I mainly involves investigating murders, while her job as the grim helps the victims, and any other ghosts she comes across, cross over.

When I got my copy I couldn't wait to dive in and it does not disappoint. Each chapter starts off with a quote from t-shirts or bumper sticker and had me laughing at them. Charley is sarcastic as ever and some of the things she says or does kept me amused. I also love the relationship between Cookie and Charley, I love how they interact and banter with each other, even down to the name calling.

In Second Grave on the Left Charley is investigating the disappearance of an old friend of Cookie's but is also worried about Reyes, who is hiding not only from the demons out to find him, but also from Charley so she doesn't get found by these demons who are also looking for her. His appearances to speak to Charley have no success in her finding him, and eventually puts a strain on their 'relationship'. Charley is getting more frustrated with how he is acting and throw herself into the investigation while also looking on the side for Reyes.
Charley soon works out she is not as invincible as she thinks she is, and after her Father is held hostage and she comes to his rescue she not only learns how easy she can be harmed, but also a new ability that comes with being a Reaper. The resulting statement that she wrote for Uncle Bob though had me laughing so much I had to stop reading for a few minutes till I calmed down.

Second Grave on the Left lets us see Charley in a new light, not only as her abilities grow and develop, but also as an actual person. We get to see her get closure with her sister after something that was said when they were both younger, and I was happy to see the story come out and their bond become closer.

Near the end of Second Grave on the Left a rift is made between Reyes and Charley and it's made quite clear what he thinks about her now. Part of me is looking forward to seeing how he reacts to her now, but part of me doesn't want to see what he has in store.

Darynda has wrote another great book that had me hooked the moment I started it and I can't wait to see what happen in the next book Third Grave Dead Ahead.