A review by beckymmoe
Once Upon a Player by Christina Phillips


Reviewed on my blog, Becky on Books, on 7/20/18.

Once Upon a Player is a cute and sweet new adult romance that was a pleasant way to spend a few hours but ultimately is probably not going to be terribly memorable. Violet and Lucas are likable characters who it's easy to root for, but their main conflicts come from 1) not telling each other the whole truth about what's going on with them outside their relationship and 2) being pretty dense about the other person (though they still somehow manage to ultimately figure out that they were being dense on their own). There's not a lot of friction in their relationship, then there's a ton/its over (or is it? they're not totally sure), then it's pretty much all gone again and they're good. I liked them both, but spent at least half of the book mildly annoyed with them for not communicating.

Once Upon a Player is the second in the series, but works just fine as a standalone. Honestly, I wasn't even 100% sure who the couple in the first book was--I guessed probably his brother, but it wasn't terribly obvious from what happens here (Harry doesn't really seem terribly "bad boy" here, but maybe he's more so in his book?). So if sexy footballers are your thing and you want to start here, you should be okay.

Rating: 3 1/2 stars / C+

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.