A review by okevamae
Heroine Worship by Sarah Kuhn


I received an ARC of this book via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

This installment of the Heroine Complex series is even better than the first. I had a hard time putting it down! It's got the same humor, action, heart, romance, and clever dialogue of the first book, but the storyline itself feels a little more polished in the second book.

This book is from the POV of Aveda Jupiter, the Chinese-American Superheroine who is the best friend of Evie, the POV character from the last book. Aveda is still adjusting to sharing the superhero spotlight with her bestie, but she manages to be less of a diva about it than in the first book. With the exception of a few vulnerable moments, I found Aveda to be pretty unsympathetic in the first book. But in this book she's learned from her mistakes and is trying to be a better friend. And since we're inside her head in this book, her vulnerability is on full display. The fast-paced action is fun, and the dialogue (and internal monologue) is fantastic, but Aveda's struggles to reconcile the two parts of her personality, and to open herself up to those who love her, are what makes this book really special.

There were a few actions and elements that required suspension of disbelief beyond the whole superhero thing, and those scenes have a sillier, more cartoonish tone that in my opinion, don't quite jive with the tone of the rest of the book - which, while still humorous and fun, feels more realistic. Sometimes I just don't buy the way characters react to things. It was a bigger problem in the first book than it is in this one.

Overall, Heroine Worship is a really fun read with solid characterization, a great romance, fantastic dialogue and a ton of action. 4 stars.