A review by toml72
The Bronte Myth by Lucasta Miller


I must be one of the few for which this was a disappointing read. I won't go on and on except to point out a few things:

1) Almost nothing about Anne, who in my estimation was the most talented of the lot. If a writer is going to write about a family like this one, I personally want equal attention paid to all. And that should include Branwell also.

2) Fairly little attention (perhaps for self supporting reasons) paid by the author to those books which have already addressed many of the issues she and others have with Gaskin's work.

3) I also found the writing to be too much of an academic style. At times turgid and endless while making certain points. Although at times the book is entertaining as well.

4) I appreciate the time, effort and research the author has done. It's a lot of work. But her conclusions are at times a bit of a stretch. I can't help feel there was TOO much effort put into being contrarian as opposed to striking a balance when it comes to the legend or myth of this family. Again, I've seen it done better elsewhere.