A review by photogcourt
One Tiny Lie by K.A. Tucker


I enjoyed this more than Ten Tiny Breaths. I was expecting to like it, but not as much as I did. K.A. Tucker really surprised me with this. I enjoyed her first novel, but it wasn't anything to write home about. The characters in this were so much better, so much more real to me.

I really enjoyed Livie's story a lot, I think for me the college thing, not fitting in, being shy, and having all these changing life plans really struck home for me. Of course, the whole relationship and issues stuff was not something I can necessarily relate too, but I still liked in nonetheless. I just think Livie reminds me a lot of myself, we both thought we had all these plans and knew what we wanted but, big surprise, we had no clue. Livie, at least, figured out a little big of it in the end (I'm still working on it). So it was nice to read her story, and see her let loose at times, but also progress and change throughout the story. I really liked Ashton as well, all sides to him were fascinating to read, and Tucker outdid herself with the dialogue between the two.

Although it IS a romance novel, it is so much more than that. The issues in this book felt more realistic to me, and it was hard for me to pull myself away. I didn't find myself rolling my eyes like I would at any other romance novel, because this simply, was not cheesy at all. Of course there were moments that seemed like it might be over the top, but it never overshadowed anything. The book simply flowed. I'm excited to read what's next in this series, however I am really going to miss these characters. I really liked the Princeton scene and Ashton's roommates- I think that would make it's own interesting story.

My only complaint is that it wasn't as long as I wished it to be, I could have gone for more detail throughout the middle. Time slipped by fast it seemed. I also wouldn't mind a different ending. The epilogue crammed a whole semester of recap into it mixed with present day. i wouldn't have minded more of that detailed out in the actual story either.

If anything, I would say read the first one because it plays a role in understanding Livie and her sister and where she is coming from before this, but if you can only get to this one, then do it. Out of the few New Adult books I have read so far, this one is my favorite.