A review by trike
Crossover by Joel Shepherd


This book is nearly 500 pages long and it contains about 150 pages of content. A really good author could cover this material in less than 30.

There is a lot of weird sex that feels really out of place, waaaay too much droning about the politics of the two major factions involved, and endless repetition about how amazingly gifted the protagonist is. Despite the promise of the cover, there's precious little action in this book and what there is just isn't well done.

It feels like the author created his perfect fetish robot and then stuck her in the middle of UN subcommittee meeting and then remembered every once in a while she should have sex with everyone and then go into battle with others. I suppose someone versed in Australian politics would be able to parse who the various characters are supposed to be, but all I got from it was a lot of talking heads doing inexplicable things.

It was more boring than anything else, with the occasional eye roll at the cringeworthy sex scenes. I just didn't buy any of it, frankly, from the world building to the main character.