A review by kiiouex
An Unsuitable Heir by KJ Charles


umm hmm, the very end - of the book and the trilogy - is very very good, five stars for that. But the rest of this one did not really interest me.

Unfortunate, because I liked Mark a lot and I thought Pen would be interesting, but I found Pen's character pretty one-note; (using 'he' because the book does) he's an interesting example of a nonbinary character, but I felt like his experience dominated the book, and his relationship with Mark. Plus in the context of murders and his sister's future, the way he thought about the earldom - not that he was refusing it, but that he only ever considered it in respect to himself - it came off as kind of selfish to me. But! He came into his own more at the climax of the book, I like how he was conducting himself with everyone else in the Big Confrontation, and it showed me more of his character, that I wish had been more throughout the rest of it.

Plus I feel like he eclipsed Mark a lot and r.i.p. I liked Mark (probably deep down I just want Mark to be forced to talk to Lazarus more)

listen every time Lazarus walks into a room I light up he is the best. Other characters look to him to tell exceptional lies on quick notice. he steals any scene he's in. i love him.

anyway it's an ehh from me but it does close off the trilogy very nicely (even if, spoilers, the guy who did it was the guy who I thought had done it two books ago. It's still good!)