A review by milliehawk
Falling Hard for the Royal Guard by Megan Clawson


Thank you to NetGalley and Avon for my Advanced Reader Copy of 'Falling Hard for the Royal Guard'.

Maggie is a regular northern girl who just so happens to live in the tower of London with her beefeater Dad, surrounded by guards and cameras at all times. Perhaps she's not so normal. Maggie is trying to navigate through her bitchy co-workers at the ticket office, and her horrible ex who shows up just about everywhere, when she falls headfirst into a very handsome royal guard. Freddie is a member of the Grenadier Guards, constantly standing as still as a soldier, with an air of mystery that Maggie can't put her finger on. Maggie and Freddie's chance encounter leads to exciting adventures in the centuries-old tower grounds, new friends, and more embarrassing moments for Maggs. Will Freddie catch Maggie when she inevitably falls (pun intended) for him?

The author did a wonderful job when creating Maggie. She is a relatable, complex character in her mid-twenties, who struggles with the same things we all do. Body image, reputation and social encounters, and loss. I constantly felt myself cheering Maggie on, and I was so happy when she spoke her truth and got her happy ending.
Freddie is yet another book boyfriend I am adding to my list. Not only is he sweet and protective, but he can make a girl fall in love with him when wearing a silly hat! His hilarious friends in his troop perfectly offset Freddie's serious demeanour and I really enjoyed every scene with them in. Honestly I think Megan Clawson should give each of the guards a spin off!!

I really enjoyed this book. It was a lovely, heartfelt read with moments where I literally laughed out loud. And Though having never set foot in the Tower of London, I feel I could navigate it now perfectly thanks to the author's detailed descriptions, and I desperately want to test that theory soon!

I definitely recommend this book to anyone who loves a rom-com with some royalty. I can't wait to see what this author produces next!