A review by hereforthefunofit
Pepperpot: Best New Stories from the Caribbean by Peekash Press


I started this anthology of with two short stories that I really really enjoyed and I was made to believe that this would be the experience throughout the entire book. Unfortunately, that was not the case because, for some reason, all good things have to come to an end. There were some stories that made me straight up uncomfortable, some I just feel like were unfinished and really lacked impact despite good prose and intriguing premises. And there were others, a few but still quite resonant, that I really enjoyed, really loved and will be looking into the authors for more.

I actually only read this book as a part of my reading challenge to read from books across the Caribbean and this was to fulfill my prompt for Antigua and Barbuda because I wasn't finding anything. That's why that review is highlighted.

The Whale House by Sharon Miller - I love a story where everything is connected and this is a prime example of that being so well executed in a mere few pages. 5
The Science of Salvation by Dwight Thompson - There is nice story-telling, but everything didn't really come together for me at the end. I was left wondering why certain things were said and left in, and that may be my own failure to properly understand the story, but that does affect how I view it, so yeah.  Compelling nonetheless. 4.25
Cheque Mate by Kevin Baldeosingh - Thought it was corny feminism (i am a feminist) and didn't really have a point. 2.5
This Thing We Call Love by Ivory Kelly - Lovely community building, but more a description of a Belizean community than a short story. 3
A Good Friday by Barbara Jenkins - Has a deeper meaning that is going over my head, but feels unfinished, I WANT MORE, 3.75
All the Secret Things No One Ever Knows by Sharon Leach - Gross but has a start, middle and actual end. 4
Amelia at Devil's Bridge by Joanne C. Hillhouse - One of the first in a while to immediately grab my attention but i wish there was more room for speculation. It gives so little which is effective in depicting the mysterious, ghostly tone but leaves me with nothing for further thinking. 4.5
Waywardness by Ezekiel Alan - made me so uncomfortable that i don't want to rate it
And the Virgin's Name Was Leah by Heather Barker - Once again, very interesting and the prose is lovely but I'm left wondering "What next?". 3.5
Mango Summer by Janice Lynn Mather - It's interesting because I took so long to be able to read this one. I don't know what was happening but I had to keep restarting the reading process that I just eventually skipped it over and came back to it in the end. But it was actually lovely. All the lines blended together so well; all the different aspects of the story. And it was told in in such a juxtaposed way. We have a sad story contrasted with something sweet, lovely and delight for all and the writing make sure that you are able to see the effects of that juxtaposition. 5. Absolutely devastating. 
Berry by Kimmisha Thomas - I am always going to eat up a lesbian love story however I was less confused about the age gap between these two so I wasn't able to enjoy it as much as I would have loved to. 3.25
The Monkey Trap by Kevin Jared Hosein - Another sad one unfortunately. This one had the intended impact on me; however, I feel like things could have tied into each other better especially that last part I feel like that was an amazing opportunity to do some real symbolism. 4.25
Father, Father by Garfield Ellis - I take this as a parallel to the Christian God or maybe just any god. I liked it, I related to it. 4.