A review by officerdean
Blue Latitudes: Boldly Going Where Captain Cook Has Gone Before by Tony Horwitz


I have been reading books about sailing and came across this at the book store. Strangely, I was not aware of any of Tony Horowitz's work. I definitely am now. I really enjoyed this book. The skipping back and forth from Tony's present day travels, following Captain Cook, to Captain Cook's actual adventures was well organized and flowing. The travelogue was entertaining, Roger is hysterical, and I laughed out loud a number of times. The history was educational and very well researched. It was a perfect balance. I really enjoyed Tony's perspective on Cook's travels. He really tried to immerse himself and it showed. A lot of very thought provoking writing that I would think on after I put the book down every day. I will definitely be reading more of Tony's work.