A review by voodoo_dexter
Annihilation of Caste by B.R. Ambedkar


"What is this Hindu religion? Is it a set of principles, or is it a code of rules? ... The moment it degenerates into rules, it ceases to be a religion, as it kills the responsibility which is the essence of a truly religious act." - Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

I'm surprised at how articulate and to-the-bone a speech can be written to convey one's thesis, which still holds the test of time. The whole speech itself and appendixes of communication between the Mahatma and Dr. Ambedkar can be a quick read and at the same time be a lot to digest. I was especially impressed by the distinction Dr. Ambedkar draws between rules and principles, and further how he applies those distinctions to the connotation of religion and its place in society. Reading this speech is a journey I'd suggest to everyone.