A review by mariahistryingtoread
Vagina Problems: Endometriosis, Painful Sex, and Other Taboo Topics by Lara Parker


In my crusade to learn more about my own body I grabbed Vagina Problems because of its personal relevance. I do not have all of the medical issues that Lara Parker does, but I do have endometriosis which gives me similar symptoms as Parker deals with though not nearly to the same degree.

Parker uses her different illnesses to put into perspective the depth of the ignorance surrounding cisgender womens’ health. Doctors barely understand and blatantly refuse to so how can we expect women to understand their own bodies or afflictions? Especially when we are gaslit by society at large to bury our pain.

It’s an extremely difficult topic to talk about due to the stigma it carries and I admired her courage in coming forth to discuss it in depth. When she says she wants to confront the taboo she definitely means it. It inspired me to attempt to combat some of the shaming dialogue aimed at young women I see in my everyday life. That goes for me too as I carry some of that judgment within me.

I will say that there was not a lot of supplemental educational information. It’s a bit self-centered which is to be expected since this is her story, but it does get tiresome since a lot of this is just complaining. It makes sense because she’s in a lot of pain, however, there’s no denying it’s repetitive. And everything is filtered through her singular perspective so it’s limited in scope.

It’s a decent read. It was somewhat relatable though I didn't actually learn anything new. If you’re not worried about being put in a bad mood then give it a shot.