A review by liberrydude
Valleys of Death: A Memoir of the Korean War by Kevin Maurer, Bill Richardson


Quick and matter of fact read of a young man whose life is turned upside down and all around. Richardson has just returned from four years of occupation duty in the US Army in Austria. He just missed serving in WWII. He's all set to arrange for his Austrian fiancee to come to the States. Next minute he's in Korea fighting for his life and experiencing combat for the first time as a corporal. In the space of 90 days he's been promoted all the way to master sergeant, seen the ugly face of war, and gone from defensive operations to offensive operations back to defensive operations and then sheer survival as a POW. Surprising that he omits that his battalion commander later became Chairman of the JCS-Harold K. Johnson. The recounting of his POW experience is very instructive. In combat death would at least be quick but the imprisonment with the suffering from the total medical neglect and austere and harsh enviroment was brutal. I imagine this book is much like Laura Hillenbrand's "Unbroken" except only shorter in length. Bill Richardson is unbroken as well and an inspirational guy.