A review by bookworm_lyf
Love Anthony by Lisa Genova


"I'm counting the tiles on the kitchen floor. 180. There are always 180 tiles on the kitchen floor. Always.
Always makes me feel good.
Always makes me feel safe.

Love Anthony - Lisa Genova

This is the third book I read of Lisa Genova. She always has a perfect way of capturing the characters' thought process, as the way it should be perceived.

I've seen it with Every Note Played and in Still Alice.The way she makes awareness of long-standing mental illnesses is remarkable.

Anthony is a little boy who is diagnosed with Autism. The story revolves around this mental illness, family struggles and infidelity.

We see two women who gets exposed to this illness in different ways. One as Anthony's mother and the other as a writer. It was beautiful how these two lives were merged in the name of this illness.

There were two chapters I loved about this book. One from Anthony's perspective and the other from his mother's. It was absolutely emotional to say the least, especially the mother's one. How she wishes that her son can play with other kids but knowing deep down that what matters is Anthony's happiness and comfort. How she has to compromise on her life so much so that she is not capable to maintain any relationship with her friends.

Autism is like a whole different person. You cannot deviate from the usual. Everything needs to be exactly the way it is. I believe Autism is a test of patience and dedication. Without either of them, autism becomes chaos.

If you like to learn about mental illnesses, Lisa Genova's storytelling gives you the perfect understanding of it. Do check it out!

#mentalillness #autism #mentalillnessawareness #lisagenova #incredible #4starread