A review by lightshower
Going Viral: A Socially Distant Love Story by Katie Cicatelli-Kuc


Don’t expect fancy language from me.

I already had bad expectations for this book. Not sure why, but I did. So, I wasn’t surprised when I rated it 2/5.

First off, the writing style. If I’m being honest, it sounded like a fourth grader wrote it. There’s no fantastic vocabulary, like, why is everyone speaking “brightly?” I also hate the way it takes place during “present/modern” times with Covid, even though that’s like the main thing of the book. The way the slang is used bothers me. I also hate when the author made characters say “Soooo…..”

Secondly, the characters. I HATED CLARISSA. She was this annoying cocky girl and she was so ungrateful for everyone she had. Honestly, Vanessa DID deserve better. I don’t get what she sees in Claire, but whatever. Personally, Claire was a creepy stalker towards Sadie, a bratty daughter towards her parents, and an annoying girlfriend towards Vanessa. I find it difficult to enjoy books in which I dislike the main character.

Finally, the plot. It’s an interesting plot, Ill give it that. I was really interested to see what would happen, but the execution…
It just wasn’t for me. Maybe one of you loved the way it used slang and was during Covid-19 times so it was relatable. You do you!

Overall, I’m not surprised I didn’t enjoy this book. Thanks for reading