A review by chaosofcold
A Mountain to the North, a Lake to the South, Paths to the West, a River to the East by László Krasznahorkai, Adán Kovacsics Meszaros


Lásló elegantly captures the fleeting brilliance and sheer scale of eternity in just over 100 pages.

The tale of an unknown man hunting for the most beautiful garden in the world hidden within the grounds of a monastery is the basic underpinning of Krasznahorkai’s latest oeuvre.

Do you ever look at a tree, a flower, a bottle of whisky and consider the cosmic impossibility that lead to its creation? The incalculable odds that create life are understood and respected by Buddhists in the creation of their temples.

This book is a work of art and much of the credit for this has to go to the English translation of Ottilie Mulzet who captures the purity of the prose and retains Lásló’s poetic structures.