A review by maegan_kk
That Fatal Kiss by Mina Lobo


This cover doesn't do the book justice, and I wish it did because I really think this book deserves to be at least a little more popular.

The writing is solid and you can tell that Mina Lobo has made a great effort to do research on all the Greek myths. There are many more characters and myths that are intertwined in the story beyond Hades and Persephone.

My only complaints about this book, beyond the twilightesque cover, are that there is a certain moment in the book when the story drags. The book could easily have been about 70 pages shorter and would not have detracted from the story, it would have, in fact, done it a real favor.

On the other hand, as the story progressed I could not get rid of the repulsion I felt toward Hades, as he tried to rape Persephone in the very beginning.

Kudos to Mina Lobo for not creating a defenseless Persephone, but one that can punch Hades in the face a couple of well deserved times. However, she could have gone a little further and omitted the rape. I know that the Greeks loved it and that if there is not at least one case of incest or rape, it is not a true Greek myth, but this is the 21st century and anyone can afford to transform these horrific events into something in which human rights play a major role.

In short, the story has its shortcomings but I was overall thoroughly entertained.