A review by jeanmrobertsauthor
The Bootlegger's Wife by Denise Devine


Reviewers Note: I was given a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

The plot in brief: (no spoilers) Charlotte LeDoux, a young woman, helps her cheating husband Gus run a nightclub serving bootleg whiskey during Prohibition. Before she can tell him of her pregnancy the club is raided by Federal agents. It's just the chance she needs to breakaway and start over.

The Characters: The main character, Charlotte is a delight right from the get go. She tough but tender, loyal to those who deserve her respect. A forward thinking woman for her time, she wants the best for herself and her unborn child, and her husband, Gus, does not fall in that category. They have a complex relationship which we learn about over the course of the book, and I'm glad that in the end Charlotte had conflicting feelings about him.

Her employer, Will, is an intriguing guy, a private detective, who we don't know too much about. I'm hoping to learn more about his character in book two. All in all, I thought the characters were well drawn and believable.

The History: The year is 1925 and Prohibition is in full swing. Devine fills the pages with period details. From the flapper era clothing, the cars, the customs and norms of the day flesh out daily life in early 20th century America. I enjoyed reading about this era, one I'm not too familiar with. An added bonus are descriptions of the food and a few recipes tucked into the back of the book!

The Writing: I thought the writing was excellent with a zippy pace. The book is well edited.

Overall: I really enjoyed reading this book. It's on the short side at 165 pages and I finished it in a day. I would recommend it to anyone who likes a good historical fiction story.

I give this book: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 stars