A review by ameserole
The Point by John Dixon


I have received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

In The Point, you will end up meeting Scarlett Winter. She's a troubled teen in the beginning and doesn't really take to authority. Especially if it's her dad telling her what to do. Eventually things get a bit out of control and she ends up at West Point. Which is where her dad wanted to go to begin with. However, it's not THE West Point that everyone really knows about. Nope, she is basically with these cadets who have special powers, just like her.

Now this book kind of reminded me of a couple of TV shows and/or movies. For example, it's teenagers with special abilities going into this special program. No, they didn't volunteer for it either. So, while reading this book I kept thinking of like X-Men or even that show Heroes.

At first, the main character kind of annoyed me. I get that she was rebelling and everything but she was also a smidge annoying. I also feel like I could've used a bit more information on posthumans in general because I just really wanted to know more. For example, were the born with these powers? Did they magically get them overnight? What exactly are all the powers within the levels.? So many questions that could've been easily answered (I think).

Other than that, I did end up enjoying the book and I'm glad that I got the chance to read it. Real rating: 3.5 stars.