A review by eesh25
The Great Hunt by Robert Jordan


4.5 Stars

I'm really getting into this series. I mention this because I thought it would take a lot longer if it happened at all. The way people talk about the series, they make it sound almost like a chore. But it's very interesting, and fun even. Though Rand remains whiny, which I'm hoping will change soon.

This book picks up shortly after the last. Rand is still around, even though he said he was going to leave. He has a few reasons. And before he can make a final decision, circumstances decide his next step for him. Well, circumstances and Aes Sedai. I don't know what the WoT fandom thinks of Aes Sedai, but I don't trust them. They're shady and have too many agendas. Even Moiraine, who I quite like now. She wasn't in this book as much, and I guess absence does make the heart grow fonder because whenever we did see her, all I could think was, "Finally, a rational person!"

My favourite character in the series so far is Nynaeve. I love her. She's rude to literally everyone, and I'm all for it. Egwene grew on me by the end, too, though she seriously needs to give the word woolhead a rest. I still like Perrin and Lan. Loial has become one of my favourites. Mat... I don't like him yet, but he can be entertaining.

Honestly, of the old characters, the only one I don't like is Rand. As for new ones, there are a few, but I'm undecided on them. Jordan seems to have a habit of just telling you to like characters and assuming you'll do it. I'm hoping that, like the characters from the first book, the new ones will grow on me in time too. There is one character I don't need time with, and that's Liandrin Sedai. I started referring to her as "the bitch" soon after she was introduced. If you've read the book, you know why.

Anyway, the plot. The book follows two groups, one is the girls (headed to Tar Valon), and the other is the boys (headed... somewhere else). The focus is more on the latter, but both parts of the book are equally interesting, and I was never disappointed going from one to the other.

The pace of the book is good. If you're not used to high fantasy, it might seem slow, but it's normal for the genre. We get a lot of character and world-building moments in the "slow" parts. The ending is great and has me really excited for the direction the series is headed. It's also given me hope that maybe Rand will stop being whiny. Okay, I may be being a bit harsh on Rand, he is in a difficult situation, but if I never hear the phrase "I will not be used" ever again, it'll be too soon.

Overall, this was a great sequel. The narrators of the audiobook did a fantastic job, not that you'd expect anything else from Michael Kramer and Kate Reading. And I'm excited to read the next book.