A review by raehink
The Crucible of Doubt: Reflections On the Quest for Faith by Terryl L. Givens, Fiona Givens


I consider this a companion volume to The God Who Weeps and believe the two should be read in tandem. I love that two Mormon scholars who are trying to live the faith can also acknowledge that there are those who doubt. This book is a gift to anyone who struggles with any faith tradition, but especially the LDS faith.

Terryl and Fiona give wise and loving counsel here regarding what to do with those doubts and how to approach the deep questions that have perplexed humanity for centuries. They examine hero worship, abuse of scripture, difficult historical events, confusing doctrines, and asking questions from within an incorrect paradigm. All that they offer is done so within a very loving framework of love and trust in God.

I think that whatever the Givens' write is magical. I'm a huge fan. They make me think, they comfort me, they help me see things in a different way, they articulate my own feelings and misgivings, they validate my questions, and they give me hope. We are blessed to have their writings.

A most lovely read.