A review by litwrite
Fiend by Peter Stenson


Okay this was really intense. Maybe a little more intense than what I was expecting - which is no fault to the author, I really don't know what I was thinking. When reading a book about a junkie meth-head in the middle of a zombie apocalypse you really need to expect some intensity.

I thought this was a well-plotted, well-written book that I somehow just didn't *enjoy*. I like junky fiction like [b:Requiem for a Dream|46945|Requiem for a Dream|Hubert Selby Jr.|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1353949849s/46945.jpg|526038] and I *love* zombie fiction so you would think the intersection of the two would make me very happy but somehow it didn't work for me at all. The frenetic pace and the claustrophobic feeling just made me want to put the book down all the time. Again, this is of no insult to the author who I think did a spectacular job. Some books just don't resonate and this one didn't resonate with me. I'd still recommend to other zombie fans because this was a stand out in the genre. The ending was fantastic. An interesting book, just not for me.