A review by straaawbs
The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution by Richard Dawkins


So, personal feelings on Dawkins aside, you can't deny he's got some kickass explanatory skills. I mean, I am by no means an expert on evolution, and I found this book really easy to follow. Along with others of his that I've read.

This is technically aimed at Creationists, people who believe in intelligent design, the sort of folks who think the Earth is 6000 years old. I don't know if this book is going to find that audience, because they're not exactly interested in science, evidence, and facts in general. They're probably not gonna pick up a book by Richard Dawkins of all people. You can tell Dawkins, with his passion for evolution, is not best pleased that these people are trying to get the theory of evolution banned from school curriculums and continue to spread misinformation about what evolution actually is. This is something he's devoted his life to, after all. He's pissed, and he shows it. That might bother you if you're the sensitive sort. It didn't bother me because those same people tend to be the ones who are trying to take away the rights of people like me so I'm not overly concerned with sparing their feelings.

Personally, I didn't need any convincing that evolution is a real thing that really happens, so I really can't tell how convinced you'll be by this book if you don't believe in it already. But I learned some new things, and it was not a dry read at all. He writes good.

I'm just gonna blissfully pretend that he is not seen as the ultimate spokesperson for atheism.