A review by weirdfishes22
Women Don't Owe You Pretty: The Small Edition by Florence Given


Im not really convinced by this book. Although it was fast and easy to read, the content wasn’t well presented. Florence Given talks about very important aspects in feminism and female empowerment, however her arguments aren’t laid out in an understandable way. A point is scratched at its surface and a statement is made, but then not explained. I haven’t been given the chance to understand the argument or statement because it just wasn’t written well.

To add on, the book isn’t well structured. The chapters mix up and a lot of different aspects are mentioned in a single sentence. On one hand it makes sense because it’s all connected to each other but on the other hand it’s confusing to read and the overview is easily lost.

On a different note, I disagree with the way some topics are treated. Florence Given often emphasises to drop people when it comes to disagreements. For example when they don’t want to use condoms (page 55). I think this showcases her intention to empower the people reading this book to stand up for themselves. In my opinion it is very important in the discussion of feminism and women empowerment to encourage people to speak up about their values, because it leads to healthy communication. In the case of the discussion about condoms, I think it would be more efficient or rather healthier to explain to the person that doesn’t want to wear a condom, why it is of such importance. Instead of dropping them it helps trying to make a change and encourage a healthy communication. It uplifts the readers to make a change also in other people and not just within yourself.