A review by heatherhy01
Fault Line by Christa Desir


Visit the blog to read my interview with the author:

My first thought was “Wow, this author is so brave to write a book about such a taboo subject!” Once I got into the guts of the book itself, my next thought was “holy crap! This author really gets into specifics!” My final thought after reading the book in it’s entirety was “I hope this author will be writing a sequel?”

Fault Line is not for the faint at heart! If you are not interested in hearing gory details regarding a rape victim, then maybe this is not the book for you. Ms. Desir did not hold back and I really loved that aspect of the book. I enjoyed feeling the different emotions, gasping in shock and tearing up right along with the characters.

Ben could basically have any girl he wants, but as soon as he meets Ani, his mind is made up. Ani is literally a free spirit. She has no filter and tells it exactly like it is. The beginning of the book is all about their relationship and how happy they seemed to have made each other. Disaster strikes one evening at a party and Ben tries his hardest to bring his old Ani back to him.

Let’s talk Ani…I personally loved her but had such a hard time picturing someone so strong in personality turning into the mess she was by the end of the book. By the end, I was astonished at some of the things that she was doing. I literally had my mouth hanging open and my eyes were bugging out!

On the topic of Ben…The whole book is from Ben’s POV. This was an extremely unique concept to write a book about how the boyfriend deals with what he is going through when his girlfriend is sexually assaulted. I loved Ben. He seemed to be written like perfect boyfriend material. He literally stuck with Ani through thick and thin.

The ending kind of through me for a loop! The story just sort of stopped and the writer has an extremly good explanation for why she had done this. The build up at the end was heart wrenching and just came to an abrupt hault! Even with an ending like that, I still really enjoyed the book. I had started this book immediately upon getting it in the mail and finished it in one sitting. There was no putting it down once I started. I would not have been able to sleep if I had to wonder what would happen with these characters.

The cover is interesting in itself and if you end up reading the book, you will find out why it fits perfectly.

If you can get past the content and really focus on the story and what can and does happen every day. I guarentee that you will love this book too!