A review by silenthillda
High-Risk Homosexual by Edgar Gomez

emotional inspiring reflective fast-paced


Like I know the future is scary and algorithms/AI will eventually kill us all. At least for now though, it works in my favor in recommending good shit. Edgar Gomez and his new release “Alligator Tears” has been hitting my instagram feed. Coming to visit a books and books here near me in Miami. Further research I come to find that he’s a non-binary queer writer that was raised in Florida and already has a prior memoir out called High-risk Homosexual. I’m like bitch! Let me get on this!

Of course, I read it in a day! I was hooked from the beginning and found it super freaky to read a memoir in some parts similar to my own life. And that’s that he’s Orlando and I’m down here in Hialeah. It was like a nostalgic trip, it’s kind of cool that a lot of us humans can have some of the same origin connections, even in slightly different fonts.

I completely related to a lot of Edgar’s feelings of shame and pride. Having Latinx parents who say that they’re supportive but yet there’s a disconnect. Growing up in the early 2000s as a queer, Hispanic kid being complicated as fuck to say the least. Difficult relationship with our gender and identity. What is really is to be a “MAN”… bro FUCK the binary. 

I really enjoyed this. Even in its somber tones, I found light and just overall connection to another human. We’re all just getting by and surviving, that even when we’re alone, we’re not truly alone. Some really great chapters and of course my ass sobbed in one. I would highly recommend this to any LGBTQ Floridian that grew up during this time period but also any others. Anyway, keep spying on me Instagram, give me more recommendations.