A review by amyteurhour
The Queen's Resistance by Rebecca Ross


Content warning: violence/gore, torture, death, kidnapping

I have spent the past couple months reading all of Ross's current works, and it's been a really interesting, unplanned/unexpected project. I didn't start out 2024 with a plan to do this (tbh I don't think I'd even heard of Ross until this year)...it just kind of happened lol. It's been pretty neat to see how her writing has evolved and her style becoming more apparent. 

They all have similar themes but I did enjoy her more recent books a lot. I think if I had started reading out The Queen's Rising series, I probably wouldn't have looked up more of her works. I think this duology is probably her weakest, which honestly considering they're her first two books, is totally understandable. I would recommend either of the other duologies or her two stand alone novels if you're looking for something that has a bit of light fantasy/magical realism with a side or two of romance. 

As for The Queen's Resistance specifically, I didn't love it. There were a lot of detailed descriptions of violence while still being kind of a boring read. The plot was intriguing and follows the aftermath of a regime change that happened in Book 1, but a lot of the action/change felt dragged out. I noticed a few inconsistencies and there were a couple lines near the beginning/middle that repeated almost like it was missed in the edits. I also didn't feel like the two romantic leads had much chemistry
and I don't think having them spend so many scenes apart helped develop their relationship. At the end where they're supposed to be having this heartfelt moment, it just felt kind of cringey to me unfortunately

I felt that the accents in the audiobook were inconsistent, especially the two young children who are supposed to be siblings...one sounded vaguely Australian and the other vaguely more British? lol. 

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