A review by ana_reading_the_days_away
Not the Girl You Marry by Andie J. Christopher


3.5 stars

This book is essentially a gender-swapped version of the movie How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.

It was a cute story but I didn’t really vibe with the writing style. There were a lot of times I had to reread a sentence multiple times bc I was confused (granted this is likely in part due to the fact that I had a perma headache while reading this book due to health reasons).

I really liked Hannah. She was super badass and awesome and I’m glad she had some had some self-enlightenment moments at the end of the book and was able to recognize her own worth. Jack was chill but kind of a dumbass at times but on the bright side he recognized his dumbass-ery and got his shit together by the end.

The epilogue was super adorable. I also want to reiterate how badass Hannah is lol :))