A review by raisingself
Artemis by Andy Weir


The book is good.

The lead protagonist a skilled Saudi Arabian woman who has lived nearly all of her life on the moon and plays by her own rules. Jasmine "Jazz" Bashara doesn’t fall victim to the many tropes writers default to when writing for a female protagonist. She’s no damsel in distress. She’s not ridiculously focused on a love be interest in the middle of a major plot conflict. She is a very well developed character.

The plot is strong as well. Very little holes. But it’s so detailed and technical in terms of what and how the character execute some difficult task in space that I would become a little bored. I think this is specific to me. Another reader may find this rich and adds to the solidness of the story and plot. But for this reason I only find the book good and not great! I would not hesitate to read a sequel though.