A review by bowienerd_82
Sprout by Dale Peck


The writing style of this book sort of reminded me of certain action movies, where the camera shakes so much that I have trouble watching. Similarly, the narrative in this was so jumpy that I had trouble reading. And it wasn't just the style- the plot and pacing was also very uneven and all over the place.

It was written as a first person POV composed by a teenager, so I'll let some of it slide as being for the sake of verisimilitude, but not at, especially considering Sprout was supposed to be an excellent writer.

I think, also, in the end, I wasn't all that found of Sprout as a character. I certainly felt sympathy for him, and there were elements I enjoyed (such as his fondness for words), but I think, in the end, I felt that he lacked both moral fortitude and compassion. Of course, again, this is also true of many teenagers, but it meant that I had trouble identifying with or enjoying him as the main character.

Still, an interesting book, and the more GLBT YA books out there the better (especially ones that are normalizing, rather than Very Special Issue™™).