A review by storytellersbymarlou
Scythe by Christina Bauer

Did not finish book.
This book was provided to me by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Do you know that feeling when you start a book and you just know this is not the book for you? You just can't get into the writing and no matter how hard you try to push through you just have to DNF it?
Yeah, that was Scythe for me.

Xpresso Book Tours gave me the opportunity to read this series and do a blog tour post in May for Echo Academy. I really couldn't get into it which makes me sad because I really hoped I liked this series since it would be mean that I had a couple of books I could binge read. Alas, the odds were not in this book's favor.

The writing was sloppy and well, quite frankly, a mess. It felt more like a middle grade book than a YA novel, that's how simple minded the main character was.

It's clear I won't be reading the rest of the series and I'm putting this one on my DNFed pile and I'll never look at it again.