A review by readingmajor
People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry


Potentially a controversial opinion, but this is currently my favorite Emily Henry book (currently reading Happy Place so we’ll see how the ranking changes). This book felt like falling together, and the countdown between the last 10 summers and this summer gave this book so much momentum, I couldn’t put it dow (I listened to the audiobook… not sure what the audiobook version of this is. Turn my ears off??).

Alex and Poppy are so obviously soulmates in more ways than just the romantic, and I loved every step of their relationship, from awkward first meetings at a college party, to bonding over things they both hate on long car rides, to their reconciliation at the wedding and every beat in between. I see so much of myself in Poppy, in her stuckness, in her fear to acknowledge what she really wants and her desperate loneliness. I even loved the ending conflict (which is SAYING SOMETHING because no one hates a third act break up more than me). This one though was actually necessary for Poppy’s growth as a character. Love and sacrifice aren’t enough to make this relationship work, and I loved Alex’s self respect in that parting airport scene.

There is not a single beat in this story I did not love. I think it is possibly laced with cocaine. I have been ripped apart and stitched back together again. Long live Emily Henry.