A review by daumari
Shrill by Lindy West


I saw this on a lot of to-read/pick lists last year, and it certainly lives up to the hype. I'm not that familiar with Lindy West, but I've likely read some of her Guardian pieces before and definitely listened to the This American Life episode where she talks with the internet troll who impersonated her deceased dad.

Short, brilliant collection of autobiographical essays that are unapologetic about who they are and embracing identity in the face of a world who would tear it down. Different topics will resonate with different readers (obviously), but the one that personally struck a chord was on her abortion- while every woman's experience is different, I also felt that while my actual abortion was pretty mundane, making a specific choice in my life was and is empowering. I'd have to look to old livejournal entries for specifics, but definitely had some "This is my life and my choice; who do you think you are to tell me what I should've done" feels in the aftermath that were like life preservers out of my normal depression pits.