A review by 44kruna
The Ghost Tracks by Celso Hurtado


thank you to netgalley and inkshares for providing me with a digital arc of this book!
I still don't really know where I stand with this novel.... the writing was okay, it could definitely be better, but at a nice standard for a debut author. The characters weren't the most likeable, and sometimes I felt like the side characters- mostly Rat- dropped or acquired personality traits for the sake of the plot or the scene.
At the beginning, I felt like the pacing was too fast, and didn't provide enough context for me to not be confused for a few chapters. This issue was resolved by then, but still a little bit of a shaky start. Another thing is Erasmo's grandmother's illness. The synopsis makes it out to be a large part of the plot (to me, at least) but in reality it's only there to kick off the story when Erasmo places the advertisement. He didn't really seem desperate enough for the money to help her. There are a few other thing I want to nitpick at, but I won't for the sake of spoilers. One thing I will say though, is that I really wish the conclusion to Nora's storyline had been extended.

Now onto what I like!
This is a horror novel, and while it isn't your typical thriller /slasher, it still managed to keep me up at night (chapter 17, i'm looking at you). My favourite storyline out of the three was Nora and Sonny's. Every time their situation was discussed, the mood instantly grew darker, and actually really creeped me out (lol)
I don't know how to say this properly without spoilers, but perhaps my favourite part of The Ghost Tracks was the difference in the reader's and Erasmo's opinions and thoughts, how you are inclined to believe the opposite of what he believes, and what you find out at the end. Actually, there are quite a few shocking things..... when the book is released I will come back to explain but hopefully you know what I mean!
Overall, I gave this novel 2.5 stars as it is a little difficult to get into, especially as it is so confusing to understand to begin with. I did enjoy it however, and will definitely remember it for a long time thanks to how unnerving it was for me (especially for someone who 1. is scared fairly easily and 2. reads almost exclusively at night >.