A review by the_evergrowing_library
Dreams of the Dying by Nicolas Lietzau


Tasked with saving the life of the richest, most powerful man in the land- Jespar is quickly paired with a biomancer named Lysia to seek out a Makehu Dreamwalker.
Once they are teamed up with Kawu and head back to Kilay the adventure starts to take shape.

That taking shape is very slow in the making and it’s definitely a slow-build read, but while there was some chunks of dialogue that did serve as info-dumps, it carried itself well.
The book does take until about 1/2 way to actually feel like things are happening, but then it does sort of happen all at once and the passage of time is definitely reduced.

This is definite grimdark fantasy read, but not so bleak as some settings are. The plot and happenings on the other hand are very bleak and miserable. There is a lot of Nightmare, death and desperation here, with a cavalcade of Morally grey characters throughout.
The magic system in this was also fascinating in how it drew on other planes of existence and “shifted” reality to make it work. Biomancers would shift an area into a fire realm to create fire etc.

Overall I liked it, but it was perhaps a little slow and long winded to fully blow me away.
3.5 rounded up to 4 stars