A review by hailie
Where the Veil Is Thin by Alana Joli Abbott, Cerece Rennie Murphy


This collection of short stories contains many imaginative and unique stories concerning fairies. There are great love stories. horror stories, and absurd stories.

Quest for Tear Haven: A story about fairies who are like little vampires who drink blood from lost teeth.

Glamour: A hard to follow story about changelings.

See a Fine Lady: Fairies and unicorn enter a Target.

Or Perhaps Up: A story of those who die in a river, and awake river made.

Don't Let Go: An adorable love story.

The Loophole: A cute love story with an interesting take on fairies.

The Last Home of Master Cloud: The story of an ancient scholar who wrote an addendum in the defense of women.

Your Two Better Halves: An absurdist choose your own adventure story.

Take Only Photos: A cute Christmas story about elves and new friendships.

Old Twelvey Night: Apple Spirts protect their orchard.

The Seal Women's Tale: A surprising narrative about a seal women who can change her skin.

The Storyteller: A grandmother tells stories to her grandchild.

Summer Skin: A creepy horror story.

Colt's Tooth: he last story is like the first... tooth fairies.